MafiaBattle Wiki
Empire I
Empire II
Empire III
Criminal Activities

Recent changes

May 2024

5 new Research Lab levels

VIP: move faster from Empire I to Empire III, and other way around

January 2024

See Pawnshop Items list at all times

3 New Boss Mansion levels

Slightly increased reward Research Points in activity meter Research Lab

Slightly decreased waiting times on several locations

Slightly decreased Cartel Mansion upgrade costs

Removed Timer For Cargo Airstrip Transporting

Recylce Mexican Death Squad Weapons (will be marked different color)

Sidebar will show status of Cargo Airstrip Transport Offers

November 2023

2 extra Crypto Mining levels

6 new Power Base levels + each force type can be bought 50 times (instead of 30)

New Vault Building (Empire II)

Extras: No more cocaine, heroin requests at transport company while upgrading building. Cancel upgrade buttons gone though.

Find Opium in any location of Military Museum

September 2023

We have changed and added some levels to the Single Player Campaign (Attacks). This now also contains Cocaine Loot at some levels

Arrows to skip 5 or more pages on several dialogs

New Family Challenges and possibility to cancel before it starts

Enabled receiving experience in Money Transport always, also when receiving ingredient or golden grenade. Slighty increased EXP and Money Rewards

Increased income from Alcohol Factory and cash capacity limits

August 2023

New Mexican Cartel Mansion building

New booster: Time Booster XL (also included in VIP package)

Family Challenges now contain Research Points to win

Mexican Cartel Mansion unlockable at Cargo Airstrip level 11

Added Mexican Contract Jobs

Increased chances and research points rewards in boss fights

Increased Wheel Of Fortune Prizes

Increased Higher Lower Prizes

Daily Calendar / Gifts Increased (Also extra for VIP)

April 2023

Added extra information Family Gold Tank

Gold Factory / Gold Tank prices changed

Added player Casino Robbery task at start notification

New Research Lab level

March 2023

New Gold Factory building

New Family Gold Tank building

Inventory improvements

Sorting Scrap Yard listing

Fixed twitter share links

Money Transport requires now only 4 players instead of 5

January 2023

Transport company will now sort uncompleted tasks above

Shooting Helicopter now has a X % chance that it gives research points instead of diamonds

Military trucks can now also be used at the casino robbery

You can now buy 4 weeks VIP at once (basicly includes 1 week for free)

Game language: